Randy replacing parts on a cultivator Popcorn has arrived Corn about to coverted into ethanol and DDGs Loading corn Seed inventory is building up Outside Scott Farms Headquarters Seed delivery Almost full! That’s interesting #Agnerd. My college agronomy notes More #agnerd. Sitting around waiting on the printer to reinstall itself Pulled an auger apart only to find […]
Tag: seed
Well planting time is just about here for our farm in Northwest Indiana and I’m excited. Like most farmers my favorite time is spring and/or fall when you get to go out in the field and really accomplish something you can see with your eyes. This year should prove to be even more exciting since […]

First things first. I’ll give you a video walkthrough of the essential parts of the planter. Now if you haven’t been around a planter like this before you’re probably wondering how this looks in the field. The picture below shows the results of all the ground engaging parts. You can see the slot made by […]
This morning we found that one of the pallets with a large seed bag had broken through the top of one of the Pro Boxes. Guess that’s never happened before, but we took the other bags off the seed boxes as well. Good thing the bag didn’t rip because the box wouldn’t have held the […]