Planter Basics 101

John Deere Planter

First things first.  I’ll give you a video walkthrough of the essential parts of the planter. Now if you haven’t been around a planter like this before you’re probably wondering how this looks in the field.  The picture below shows the results of all the ground engaging parts.  You can see the slot made by […]

Ethanol: The Song Remains the Same

But the processes used to make ethanol have become more efficient.  Watch this video from CNN posted on YouTube in May 2008, and you’ll see that many of the same elements in this video being replayed today.  High corn prices, an acreage battle with other crops, and so on.  Ken McCauley hits on many great […]

Shop Tour

This is my first YouTube video.  Looking forward to getting some more up when planting starts.  This video is a quick tour of our new shop and office area that we work in everyday on the farm.  It really allows us to get more things done faster, more timely, and in a nice enviromnent where we […]

A Minor Seed Crisis

This morning we found that one of the pallets with a large seed bag had broken through the top of one of the Pro Boxes.  Guess that’s never happened before, but we took the other bags off the seed boxes as well.  Good thing the bag didn’t rip because the box wouldn’t have held the […]

Today on the Farm

Well I need to get that horrible second loss in a row that Purdue suffered out of my head so I may as well do a little blogging.  No earth-shattering topics on my mind today, but I can tell you what we did to keep busy on a late winter’s day waiting for spring to […]