Farm Week in Pictures 7/15/11 Popcorn Special!

This week’s pictures turned out to be all about popcorn!  Didn’t plan it that, but apparently I was in the mood take pictures of popcorn this week.  Actually I never plan these posts out.  I just take pictures of things that I think you might find interesting and then post them every Friday.  Enjoy the popcorn!

We are growing a different variety this year.  It’s supposed to get two ears.  A lot of it has grown very tall compared to what we are used to with popcorn.  The ears are developing up high too.  I’m about 5’10” and you can see the ears are way up there!image

Working on top of an old shed replacing some roof panels.  Good chance to get a bird’s eye view of the popcorn.image

The silk of a developing ear up closeimage

If you look close you’ll see this plant is trying to put on three ears!  I’ve seen some more attempting the same thing.  Wonder if they’ll make it to harvest.  I’ll keep an eye on them.image

Tassels are coming out and ready to pollinateimage

Looking good!image