Category: #AgChat

A Couple Reasons Why Farming Isn’t Predictable

Equipment problems, and obviously weather. We applied most of our nitrogen fertilizer last fall because harvest was quick and the weather was suitable.  Only a few fields remained to be completed this spring. Well, we headed out to the field Wednesday hoping to finish up with fertilizer in about three days.  To start the day we couldn’t get […]

Not Your Stereotypical Farmer

If your vision of a farmer comes from what you’ve seen in movies and television, that’s not who I am.  I’ll bet that’s true for a lot farmers because there are many types of farmers with various backgrounds, but I thought I would make a list of things farm-like that I either have not or […]

Farming Island Style

Here we are on a recent family trip to visit relatives in Hawaii. They have a 20 acre farm growing lettuce, romaine, cabbage, and onions. It’s only 20 acres, but there is a lot of hand labor involved especially at harvest which is done 3-4 days per week 52 weeks a year. Everything is loaded […]

There’s one in every group

A bad apple that is.  Obviously I’m here to promote the virtues of modern agriculture, but I won’t pretend that we don’t have problems.  This is a bad one and the state is going to have come up with a solution quickly.  Things like this make the rest of us look bad and hurts everyone […]