“A United Front” Painting a Positive Picture

I’ve only been blogging a few weeks, but one of my main concerns was how to reach out to people who aren’t involved in ag but want to know more about where their food, fuel, and fiber come from. Over the past few days I’ve read a few tweets saying we need to put ourselves out in front of the issues and not just respond after-the-fact when louder and numerous voices (hey, less than 2% of us are farmers right?) put out often misinformed statements. Then tonight I read a great blog post from Michele Payn-Knoper http://bit.ly/hYM7Ns. Also I just finished reading an article http://bit.ly/i7pQNR about farmers banding together to put out their message on a national level. It’s just getting started, but I think we need a lot more this going forward.

So rather than getting into petty emotional arguments we need to put our faces and stories on the forefront to show what is really going on in agriculture.