Auction Time!

Today we attended a farm local farm auction so I thought I should snap a few pictures of the experience for you guys. It was a cool day, but the breeze was light and the sun was out which means we didn’t stand around freezing. Enjoy!


The best way to invite a few hundred farmers to your place is to sell all your stuff.

If you like old stoves you could have been the high bidder at $1,050.


The big ticket items. All in great shape and as clean as you'll find anywhere.


Pickup trucks make it in sales sometimes. This 2008 2500 4x4 with 46,000 miles sold for an even $20,000. I checked the Kelly Blue Book value on my phone and guesses the value close to $25,000.


This 4430 with 7286 hours sold for $19,500.


The 8200 with 3830 hours sold for $83,000.


A very nice 8400 with 3622 hours went for a mere $98,000.


A clean 9660 came in a $122,500.


The biggest seller of of the day was this 8430. A prime example with 1419 hours selling for $172,000.


  1. what the horsepower on that 8400? Last auction I was at, I was taking pictures to do a short blog post on but everyone kept giving me dirty looks so I decided not to LOL got a big one coming up in a couple weeks that i’m posting on regardless of what looks I get!

    1. I thought the pickup was cheap too. It was odd that all the other stuff was so clean and the truck actually had a quite a few small scratches, but they really show in that color. That would drive me nuts as a neat freak when it comes to vehicles. Everyone thought the combine was low as well, but it was a little older and had a good amount of hours on it.

  2. I remember when I was younger going to different autions with my parents and grandparents and watching all the people. It is such an amazing fun event, I wish that I could go to more but unfortunately college students don’t often have much extra money laying around to go spend on autions. I could imagine all the amazing stuff that were at the autions just by looking at the pictures there seems to be several good items, for me the stove is unique and I would love to have something like that. But I remember when my family have a property and farm equipment sale and all the stuff that we had there, I found so many things just going through my own families stuff. The most unique thing was an old corn cob pipe that I found in an old truck that my grandpa had, he didn’t even remember that he had one left.

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