Another week has passed. We’ve been meeting about taxes, checking out farm sales, cleaning up equipment, and more. Here a few pictures of the highlights. What have you done this week?
Tag: environment
We are getting our first snow of the season today, and I was lucky enough to look out my window and catch this guy running across an open field behind my house.

Critics of conventional farming often decry the use of herbicides. Especially glyphosate. That’s all fine and dandy, but the problem I see with the arguments some people present is they contain no substance. Take a look at a facebook post on the Kellogg’s Facebook page that I shared to my blog page to get other’s response on. […]
A quick post to get you readers up to speed. I’m barely up to speed myself as all this has happened quite quickly. About two weeks ago we found out USDA Undersecretary Michael Scuse was going to be touring drought stricken areas of the Midwest. Thanks to my sister who recently began a new career […]
In our area once you get North of US 24 soils start to get sandy. The terrain gets a little hilly in places, and the sandiest areas are often the highest. This year we didn’t perform any tillage on our sandiest fields, and judging by what I saw yesterday that was a good idea. It’s […]
I just got done commenting on a post at Blast Magazine entitled “Modern agriculture’s enormous environmental footprint.” My comment become long enough that I decided to re-post it here on my blog. Judging by the title of the post on Blast you can probably guess what it says for the most part, but go ahead […]