A bad apple that is. Obviously I’m here to promote the virtues of modern agriculture, but I won’t pretend that we don’t have problems. This is a bad one and the state is going to have come up with a solution quickly. Things like this make the rest of us look bad and hurts everyone […]
Just read an interesting tweet about how ethanol production provides 17lbs of livestock feed for every bushel processed. Seems to me this often gets left out of the food vs fuel debate. Sure you can get more food out of the entire bushel, but we forget that just because a load of corn goes to […]
Not much for me to add to this editorial by John Phipps. www.agweb.com/mobile/newsdetail.aspx?ArticleId=301145 Getting started in farming today isn’t like it was just a generation ago. Competition for land and equipment is greater, and financial stakes grow higher and higher. Posted from WordPress for Android
We attended a brunch sponsored by our crop insurance agent this morning at which there were some great speakers. One of the speakers happened to talk about the same things I put in my post earlier today. One of the reasons prices for corn and soybeans in particular are so high is that the stocks of […]
Agriculture often gets a bad reputation for using more fertilizer, more chemicals, more of everything to produce a bigger yield when what is really happening is that research and technology allow us to produce more with less inputs over time. If you think about what’s good for the farmer’s pocketbook you will often find it’s […]