Planting Season is Upon Us

Well planting time is just about here for our farm in Northwest Indiana and I’m excited.  Like most farmers my favorite time is spring and/or fall when you get to go out in the field and really accomplish something you can see with your eyes.  This year should prove to be even more exciting since […]

Ethanol Gets More Cost Effective……Again

One of the subjects I’ve been making an effort to learn more about since starting this blog is that of biofuels.  I have to admit, before I really started looking into renewable fuels I was in the camp that wanted our energy independence to come from getting our own oil here at home.  I still think […]

Not Your Stereotypical Farmer

If your vision of a farmer comes from what you’ve seen in movies and television, that’s not who I am.  I’ll bet that’s true for a lot farmers because there are many types of farmers with various backgrounds, but I thought I would make a list of things farm-like that I either have not or […]

Biobutanol: The Alternate Alternative Fuel

How had I not heard of butanol being used as a fuel before today?  I subscribe to three auto-enthusiast magazines and pick up the occasional car mag at the grocery if there’s something I want to read, but butanol was never on my radar until I read an article online at Motor Trend today.  I read that article […]