For those of you not familiar with combines, let me tell you about the ladder you climb to get into the cab. When you are out in the field the ladder hangs down the left hand side of the cab. It can be swung around towards the front for transport, because in the operating position it makes […]
Dad, Shane, Ted, Pete, Ed, Dick, Mike, Rick, Kyle, Randy, Jeff, Gerald, Tim, another Tim, John, and Dave. These are some nearby farmers I can identify by the pickup trucks when they are coming down the road. Everybody in the area tends to recognize other farmers’ trucks and we always wave when we pass. In fact, three of these […]
I’ve been taking pictures every Monday of a field of soybeans and a field of popcorn right near our shop. I started taking pictures at emergence and will continue to do so through harvest for a future blog post. I plan on having a slide show of each crop’s progress on a weekly basis so […]
This is what happens to soybeans when it rains frequently, and it’s too wet for sprayers to get into fields. Hope we dry out soon. Posted from WordPress for Android
Loading soybeans instead of corn this week It’s called a dust mask for a reason Be careful, Dad! Done with the nitrogen applicator for the year Oil change time Some of our earliest corn looking good Water should be flowing from the field into the side ditch. We’re trying to help it along. Posted from […]
One of the biggest questions I find (myself included) that ag producers using social media ask is how to connect with people outside of the industry. They are the ones after all that we really want to have a conversation with about food, feed, fuel, and fiber. I’ve only been doing this agvocate thing for a […]