Most of the pictures this week are from wheat harvest. If you want to see our harvest in action then look here. Another farmer’s field behind my house being sprayed. Little soybeans breaking through the wheat stubble Delivering wheat to the elevator Wheat piled up in the combine hopper Harvesting wheat next to the popcorn […]
Here are a couple videos of this year’s wheat harvest. The first is a view from the cab of the combine, and the second one is unloading wheat onto a truck. A note about the first video. I mention in it that GPS tracking was “all I needed” for the amount of wheat we have. […]
Wheat piled up in the combine Planter in the distance double cropping beans into the wheat The neighbors are harvesting wheat too. Right up against the popcorn Another truckload ready to go! June 30th. Replanting beans. Again. And it’s rained all day today. Hope they grow this time. A doe watching me closely Corn headed […]
This little blog is almost five months old now. I was looking at my statistics page and found the most viewed posts so far. I suspected what #1 would be and was right, but was a bit suprised by #2. The most viewed post has nearly double the views of second place, and happens to be my favorite […]
A big thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog! It’s been about four months since I started this thing and we are at exactly 100 total comments on my posts. Thanks again for the conversation and keep the comments coming!