Precision Decision

Precision Decision via

We use precision ag technology in all of our field operations including planting, tillage, fertilizing, and harvest. Precision agriculture begins with the use of GPS.  Our equipment is guided through fields via satellite signals with pinpoint accuracy. The tractors drive themselves in perfectly spaced, repeatable paths across the farm. That is pretty cool on its […]

Excited for SXSW 2015!


SXSW is an event I’ve been wanting to attend for a few years, but I’ve never been able to make it happen until now.  I like technology, music, social media, movies, and a lot of the cool stuff that is on display and up for discussion. And discussion will be my main reason for attending. […]

Indiana Small Farm

Indiana Small Farm via

A small farm is an important part of agriculture.  But I’m not talking about a few acres so much as a few carpets.  Our son, somewhat by default, is really into farming.  He’s five years old and he will tell his great grandpa, granpda, and dad how to operate equipment in the field.  And he will be […]

Farm Week in Pictures 03/07/2015

Inventory via

Whoa! I haven’t posted anything since the end of January! I was away from the farm for almost half of February for a few farm related events like Bayer Ag Issues Forum and Commodity Classic. We’ve still been selling and delivering grain since I last posted. Corn and soybean prices rebounded in February but are […]

Plotting for Profit

Plotting for Profit via

It has been said a financial portfolio should be diversified to protect the investment and cast a greater net for profit.  We do something like that on our farm even though on the surface we may not seem very diverse.  Yes we raise corn, soybeans, popcorn, and wheat.  But break it down further to find […]