Farm Week in Pictures 05/19/2013

Corn Emergence

This Farm Week in Pictures brings you a week full of planting!  We are nearly done.  Corn finished up early in the week and we spent about two days on popcorn.  We are working on soybeans now, and they should be done in a few days if we don’t see rain.  Tomorrow we start with […]

Farm Week in Pictures 05/11/2013

Family Farm

After than long, wet April Farm Week in Pictures finally brings you planting shots!  Monday through Thursday we planted corn.  Of course Plant 13 keeps us pretty busy, but it came to a standstill right at 5pm on Thursday with a brief rain shower.  Friday was a dreary day, so soil didn’t dry out.  The […]

2013 Planting is Underway

It’s May 6, 2013 and planting finally began on Scott Farms.  This is not a terribly late planting date, but it seems much later because last year started and finished in record time.  This time last year we had been done planting for two weeks, and because of wet weather we are getting a much […]

Weeds are a Challenge for Farms of All Types


There are countless ways for farmers to control weeds.  Tillage of all types, various herbicides, mowing, and even cover crops that can suppress weed populations.  Weeds have been on my mind lately because the wet spring has kept most equipment that can deal with weeds off the soft soils. While driving home earlier this week […]