I’m Mostly Finished Farming Naked


Being naked in a dirty, dusty, greasy environment isn’t the best situation.  All that stuff finds its way into all your little cracks and crevices and just makes a general mess of things.  So even though I prefer the look and feel of being fully nude I decided it was time to cover up. That’s […]

Planting 2.0 aka Replant

Soybeans Replant

You thought planting was done?  Well it is, but we may be seen swooping in a field or two for replant. What is Replant? Around here replant is usually the result of crops being drowned out by heavy rainfall that accumulates in low lying areas of a field.  Replanting is not an uncommon task, but […]

Farm Week in Pictures 05/25/2013

Rotary Hoe Tines

Farm Week in Pictures brings a close to the planting season this week.  We put in a long day Sunday, and finished on Wednesday, May 22 which happens to be our wedding anniversary.  With planting over outside of a replant situation and hopefully being able to double crop soybeans after wheat what is on the […]