Building a Better Tailgate

Finished product via

Our International 4900 had an old tailgate.  It’s lasted us quite a few years, but all the loads of dirt, stone, field rocks, concrete, and scrap steel have done a number on the poor thing. I think this is the third truck we’ve had this dump bed on.  In the summer of 2013 we used […]

Farm Week in Pictures 01/25/2014

John Deere 9320 4WD via

This week on the farm brought on more tractor cleaning, some shop cleaning, a public open house, corn hauling, truck modification, and paperwork. Clean and Green John Deere Tractors The 9320 had its turn with the pressure washer this week followed by a good coat of wax.  All the equipment is pretty well clean now! […]

Visiting Monsanto

Monsanto Vine via

Early in September 2013 I was able to visit Monsanto‘s facilities in St. Louis, MIssouri.  My wife and I along with two friends were on a road trip taking us from home in Indiana out to Kansas City and back through St. Louis to take in a couple of concerts.  A friend I first encountered […]