Farm Week in Pictures 04/26/2014

Iron Maiden via

Last week I told you there would be planting pictures from the farm this week.  I was right!  Planting season 2014 began on Wednesday and continued through Thursday.  Rain delay all day Friday, and then back to the fields on Saturday.  Sunday morning we ran a few hours to finish a field ahead of rain that […]

Farm Week in Pictures 04/12/2014

John Deere Planter via

Farm work this week covered several projects.  We wrapped up a couple of things we’ve been working on for a while, and started getting more serious about spring fieldwork.  See what we’ve been up to! Let’s Grapple! Our grapple project for the JCB backhoe finally got done last week.  We had to do a fair […]

Farm Week in Pictures 04/05/2014

Flat Tire via

Busy week on the farm with cutting, welding, measuring, fabricating, plant prepping, and several other things on the agenda.  2014 planting season might begin in a few weeks depending on the weather, and then our focus will shift from many projects to a relatively singular task.  Read on to see what we are working on […]