Here we go! Just started harvest this morning and filled one semi before lunch. More to come after lunch. The ethanol plant is taking delivery of corn with no charge for drying for corn under 25% moisture. We sold several loads which allows us to get started even though the corn is still a little wet. Enjoy the pictures!

Checking to see that we have clean cobs coming out the back and that the fodder is spreading how we would like it to.

Snapshot of the info I receive in the cab while harvesting. I'm stopped so that's why the instant yield is zero. Also haven't calibrated the yield and moisture monitors just yet so we'll see what the numbers look like after a few more hours.

First of the 2011 crop about to hit the road!

Taking it all in
Hi Brian and All Family,
We follow your site and are thrilled your harvest has begun!! It’s great to see how you folks farm in Indiana, and now the harvest is so exciting! Hard work…yet so interesting.
Also, Matthew’s walking!! Yay!! What a cutie. Love to Nicole and All the family…John and Terri, Melanie and Jamie.
Ross is at the University of Miami now and seems to really like it! Joey isthinking of moving to California,,,not sure. We’re harvesting cabbage, onions and kale right now…kale is the upcoming crop of “superfoods”…sells like hotcakes.
Gael & Bobby
Good to hear from all of you! Did you now I started this site on my phone the last night we were in Maui and I couldn’t fall asleep? One of my first posts was “Farming Island Style” with pictures of us “helping” with romaine harvest. Stay in touch!