This Farm Week in Pictures we had a few projects going on. This year’s crop is beginning to come out of storage, and we have a bit of a storage issue in one bin. A tractor needed some work, a bunch of paperwork was started, and we experienced some significant snow.
Coming Out of Storage
Loading a load of regular soybeans at our “satellite” storage location. Right after this load was delivered I headed back home to load soybeans for seed to be delivered first thing next week.
Back at home base loading those other soybeans. These beans will be seed for other farmers in 2014.
Since we came from hauling commercial soybeans to loading beans for seed we had to clean the trucks out. There’s always a little bit of something left even after you dump. Harvesting, planting, and trucking seed beans and popcorn means we always need to clean out the equipment we are working with so we can deliver a pure product.
Dad was inspecting all our bins late in the week and found this. Not so good. The corn in here was getting hot, and now it’s sprouting in the bin. As soon as those soybeans are off the trucks we’ll have to look at pulling a few loads from this bin before the problem spreads. Running cold outside air into the bin with the aeration fan cooled the corn down, but we can’t let this sit in here for long. Someday I’d like to equip our bins with a monitoring system which consists of cables hanging from the roof. The cables contain a series of moisture and temperature sensors that would allow us to spot any issues right when they begin.
Electrical Gremlins
The M has been having trouble holding a charge for a while now. We brought in some outside help this week as we haven’t been able to solve the issue. I am definitely not an electrician.
The Tax Man Cometh
It’s that time of year. Time to go through all the files in preparation for meeting with the tax guy.
I Love Snow!
Still snowing in this picture. I’d say we got about six inches after the snow quit falling. So glad this truck has remote start. The other one did not!
Good thing traction control can be turned off.
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keep it up.
I hate snow!Nice looking Farmall M
Bane Welker in Remington or Logansport might be able top help you out on the Farmall M