More snow and very chilly weather on the farm this week. I’m loving all this snow! Winter is a lot better looking in white than in shades of brown and gray. We’ve got grain to haul but haven’t had trucks on the road with the cold weather. We don’t absolutely have to be out so we’ve kept the trucks at home. It’s not that the roads are bad, it’s just avoiding having an issue with something happening like fuel gelling up. Kind of a slow week on the farm, but we’ve still got some great pics!
Snow Days
We farm the fields on either side of this snowy ditch bank. There is probably a few feet of snow laying on those grassy slopes. In the background you can see snow blowing over the ditch.
Molly doesn’t mind sunning in subzero temps while laying in a pile of snow.
Farm Filters
I’ve been messing around with Snapseed this week for filtering pictures. I’ve heard a lot of good feedback on this app from other people so I figure I’d better give it a shot. I don’t really know what I’m doing, rather I just swipe my finger around adjusting the various settings until I think it looks good! Check it out on iTunes and Google Play.
Sunlight peaks into the West windows of the shop, and lands of the floor. The 8360R is hibernating in the corner.
Sun goes up!
Sun goes down!
Shades of the life….Lovely.