Part 2013 and part 2014 this farm week spanned 2 calendar years. We moved some corn, tried to figure out some things on the new farm, and rearranged a bunch of equipment. Let’s take a look!
Hauling Off
Loading some waxy corn out of Bin 7 with the auger powered by the old Farmall M. The M probably does most of the auger work around here, but sometimes it gets a break from our John Deere 70 Diesel or occasionally one of the newer machines. The truck in the background is just getting a little bit of corn from another bin before it gets loaded from this bin. Same story for the truck in the foreground.
This is why the trucks just got a small amount from the other bin. The very top layer of corn got hot and developed some mold. We’ll pull a few bushels to blend with good corn so we can get the problem corn out of the bin before it gets worse. That’s what we were doing in the picture with the two trucks. Our loads tested just fine when we delivered them, and by the time the grain is mixed with many other trucks from many other farms, cleaned, and processed this mold won’t be an issue for anyone. Grain is often blended for various reasons.
Get a Handle on it
The one bin we have with a cone-shaped bottom suffered a broken crank handle when we tried getting the bottom door open after it froze shut. Nothing the welder can’t fix!
Winter Hibernation
The combine is now washed, waxed, windows cleaned, and cab cleaned. This was the one chance I had to capture a shot of the clean machine as it moved from the heated shop into the storage part of the shed. It will be woken up again in late June or early July to harvest wheat. We still have three tractors to wash and wax.
Under Surveillance
We didn’t learn much at the surveyor’s office about our new farm. There are a couple subdivisions bordering the field and by walking out through the field we think several yards have probably crept out 5 or 10 feet over the years. Our field also includes a few lots were nothing was ever built. We’ll need to talk to some of the homeowners to see what they think about us taking back some of that land. Most of it consists of scrub brush that no one either side has taken much time to manage.
Winter Skies

These three pictures were all taken in the same afternoon. The sun has been putting on quite a show this week!
Winter Storm Ion Approaches
This picture technically belongs in next week’s post, but it makes of a good preview of what winter storm Ion brought to Northern Indiana!
The 9670 looks pretty good
Loved the sky shots, and the clean, green tractor in the snow. Stay warm!
my brother in law is a surveyor. always good discussions on where is the real line!