Weather hasn’t changed all week. Crops still look really good, but this lack of rain is going to catch up to us if we don’t get some soon.

This isn’t our wheat, but it seems to be the furthest along in our neighborhood.

Unloading at the ethanol plant. When they install their new oil extraction equipment each load that comes into the plant will come out as parts fuel, feed, and now corn oil too. Emphasis on the and. Not or.

We’re done using the auger to unload bins for bit, so I’m moving it out of the way. Not all the bins need the auger.

Wake up! Time to move some corn!

Filling up another load. This means nothing if you haven’t been to the farm, but this shot makes our drive seem really large since the barn and shed are just out of sight.

Saw some irrigation in action today. We don’t have any irrigation, but as you travel North of US 24 from where we farm you start to see a fair amount.

This guy will get put to work soon.
That picture of the barn lot really is deceiving! Nice trick photography 🙂
It was an accident. Pictures always look different on the laptop than on the phone.