Farm Week in Pictures 4/29/11

It was a long, wet week until today.  The forecast is much improved now compared to the last two weeks.  We haven’t planted anything, and I’m actually glad we didn’t when we could have.  I’d be worried about poor stands.  Some neighboring fields have been planted for three weeks and nothing has come up yet.

Sump pump issues.  That’s about 2′ of water at the bottom of the grain leg.image


Been 100% ready to roll for over 2 weeksimage

My parents yard yesterday.  Didn’t rain today, all of this is gone.  There’s a good 20 acres underwater you can’t see.  Their yard drops 2-3′ from the road, it’s deep!image

That’s the water next to the yardimage

Found out this might actually be worth something.  Probably going to sell itimage

A nice day!  Time to haul beans!image

First time the trucks have been out since we detailed them.image

Half full!image

My hood and the view from behind our other truck.  Super clean and shiny in the sun!image

Loading up for round twoimage

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