Farm Week in Pictures 06/23/2013

Farm Week in Pictures has us on the farm, but by week’s in end I was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Check it out!

Stick in the MudMud TireHappy Monday!
Stuck TruckIt’s really in there.  You can’t see the water in the grass to the right.  That is an open ditch between two parts of a field.

Uh.Stuck AgainAnd Tuesday.  We got out of this without assistance.  Dad’s truck had a rough time spraying around fields this year.  A flat tire, stuck twice, and pulled a mud flap off.

Still Truckin’

LLY DuramaxI’m kinda sorta truck shopping, but the ’04 I bought in 2010 got its 260,000 mile service this week.

Yikes!  Stripes!
I happened upon this lone popcorn plant with leaves that were half white.  I asked around and found this is a random mutation in corn.  This guy probably won’t make the full season because he only has half the photosynthetic power of his neighbors.  I should go try find it again if I can.

To the City!

Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaWe drove with our Chicago friends to visit our friends in Pittsburgh over the weekend.  The girls also went to a Kenny Chesney concert at Heinz Field.  This shot was taken after riding up the Duquesne Incline.
Duquesne InclineReady to ride up the Incline!

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  1. Hello Brian,

    You have some cool pictures this week.

    Why do you spray the field with the truck? and what are you spraying?

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