Category: #AgChat

2012 in review

Happy New Year and thanks to everyone who has visited this blog in 2012!  Here’s a rundown of some stats provided by WordPress.  I had more than double the traffic here than I did in 2011.  Let’s see if we can double it again in 2013!  Thanks again for reading, commenting, sharing, and subscribing.  See […]

Off the Beaten Path

This actually happens on a fairly regular basis around here.  Someone drives right off the end of a county road at a “T.”  I almost never see the vehicle.  Just the evidence that a driver didn’t see that the road ended.   Looks like in this instance the car bottomed out on our field for […]

Farmers vs The Walking Dead

Zombie Via

I get asked a lot of interesting questions by all kinds of people about farming, but last week I may have gotten the best one yet.  Tammy Luck of Grown Up, Now What? hit me with a zombie question on twitter.  As we all know zombies can be a huge problem, but if nothing else […]

2012 Drought Effect on Corn Yield

Yesterday we finished harvesting our first field after this long summer of drought.  The end result was a nice surprise with the yield monitor in the combine showing 151 bushels per acre average.  I saw yields in this field anywhere from 30 bushles to just over 300 in what are normally low, wet spots.  Based […]

250 Bushel Soybeans

My parents have an exceptional soybean plant near their house.  This plant is actually on the edge of a neighbor’s corn field and has managed to survive the growing season.  Dad counted the pods on this plant estimating an entire field of soybeans like this one could yield  250 bushels per acre.  In our area […]