Category: #AgChat

What to do with Google+

Twitter has been all atwitter the last couple weeks with the rollout of Google’s social network Google+.  It’s kind of a soft opening with Google only allowing so many people in at a time as they work out bugs and build the network.  I was able to get in via an invite from  Janice Person.  […]

Top 5 Most Viewed Posts on The Farmer’s Life

This little blog is almost five months old now.  I was looking at my statistics page and found the most viewed posts so far.  I suspected what #1 would be and was right, but was a bit suprised by #2.  The most viewed post has nearly double the views of second place, and happens to be my favorite […]

100 Comments and Counting

A big thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog!  It’s been about four months since I started this thing and we are at exactly 100 total comments on my posts.  Thanks again for the conversation and keep the comments coming!

Where Can Farmers meet Consumers Online?

One of the biggest questions I find (myself included) that ag producers using social media ask is how to connect with people outside of the industry.  They are the ones after all that we really want to have a conversation with about food, feed, fuel, and fiber.  I’ve only been doing this agvocate thing for a […]

Where Does My Harvest Go?

Pop Weaver

On our farm we grow corn, soybeans, popcorn, and wheat.  More specifically #2 yellow dent corn, waxy corn, commercial soybeans, soybeans for seed (for two different seed companies), popcorn, and wheat. Let’s start with the regular dent corn.  You’ll notice I didn’t say sweet corn.  None of the corn we grow (except popcorn) ends up […]