Tag: Monsanto

What’s in a Monsanto Contract?

What's in a Monsanto Contract? via thefarmerslife.com

I’m a family farmer, and I have signed a Monsanto contract.  I’m the 4th generation to work this land.  Somewhere along the line the idea corporations control farms or farmers are slaves to “Big Ag” came about.  People claim that we are beholden to corporations like Monsanto and have to sign unfair contracts to be privileged enough to use […]

Visiting Monsanto

Monsanto Vine via thefarmerslife.com

Early in September 2013 I was able to visit Monsanto‘s facilities in St. Louis, MIssouri.  My wife and I along with two friends were on a road trip taking us from home in Indiana out to Kansas City and back through St. Louis to take in a couple of concerts.  A friend I first encountered […]

Journal to Retract Seralini Rat Study

Seralini Rats via thefarmerslife.com

Last year French scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini made news when a paper by his team was published in Food and Chemical Toxicology.  Data concerning long-term feeding of genetically modified Monsanto corn and the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) in the Seralini study suggested the rats being studied developed cancerous tumors.  Of course this news spread around the internet like wildfire […]

Spot the Refuge Corn

Corn Refuge via thefarmerslife.com

Refuge corn?  What’s that?  I’ll show you!  No corn doesn’t need to take refuge in some kind of crop refugee camp, but it can act as a safe haven for pests that like to eat my crops.  Why would I want pests to eat my crops? What is Refuge? Refuge plants are needed to mitigate […]