How is Mother Nature Doing?

Just fine I would say.  This picture is of a bit land in the middle of a field that drowned out early in the growing season.  None of the corn made it even after a second planting.  All the growth you see here has occurred since late May or early June.  I had to get out to find a tile inlet because I couldn’t see it from the combine and I didn’t want to run it over.  You can barely walk through all the growth because it’s so dense.  The point I’m trying to make is that nature doesn’t waste any time getting back to its normal routine even after agriculture has done all its so-called destruction of the land.  And for those who’ve let me know that “conventional” methods of farming aren’t natural, I’d argue that no type of agriculture is natural, but it sure beats hunting and foraging.




  1. Thats where you needed to put up an electric fence and put some cattle in to keep the weeds down. Could have made some money without burning hardly any fuel! )

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